The Correlation Between Physical Activity And Obesity Status In Adolescent Class XI SMA Negeri 17 Surabaya


  • Berlianti Alafa Prameswari Politeknik Kemenkes Surabaya
  • Annas Buanasita Politeknik Kemenkes Surabaya
  • Nur Hatijah Politeknik Kemenkes Surabaya


Physical Activity, Obesity, Adolescents


Background. Obesity occurs due to excessive fat accumulation due to an
imbalance between energy intake and energy expended over a long period. Based
on a preliminary study conducted by researchers, it was found that 30% of class
XI students at SMA Negeri 17 Surabaya were classified as obese and mostly did
the moderate physical activity. Research Objectives. To analyze the correlation
between physical activity and obesity status in class XI adolescents at SMA
Negeri 17 Surabaya. Methods. This research is an observational study with a
cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used is simple random
sampling with several respondents as many as 65 students. Data was collected
from anthropometry, measurements including weight and height, and obtained
from filling out the physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ). Research Result. It
shows that most respondents have non-obese nutritional status (73.8%) and
moderate physical activity (64.6%). The Spearman Rank statistical test result
showed no significant correlation between physical activity and obesity status (p =
0.343). Research Conclusion. Given that most of the percentage of students
doing a moderate activity and still in the category of obesity status, it is hoped that
schools can monitor weight and height regularly and periodically through the
School Health Business (UKS) program


