Administration of Pismatom Juice in Increasing the Energy Efficiency In MiddleDistance Run Athletes of PASI Denpasar, Bali-Indonesi


  • I Wayan Juniarsana Denpasar Health Polytechnic
  • IGA Ayu Dharmawati Denpasar Health Polytechnic


Pismatom juice, energy efficiency and middle-distance run


Adequate nutrition supply the source of energy and the efficiency of using it, is required to achieve peak
performance in middle-distance running athletes. Giving a mixture of banana honey tomato (Pismatom)
juice provides energy, electrolyte and antioxidants during exercise. This study aims to prove that
Pismatom juice administration increases energy efficiency. Subjects of were 28 males athletes divided
into 2 groups with randomized pre-posttest control group design. The treatment group was given 240
cc of Pismatom juice and control group was given 240 cc of mineral water before and after physical
exercise for 14 days. The results showed that speed time run 2,4 Km control group obtained average
11.25+ 1.63 minutes (pretest) and 11.37+1.97 minutes (post test), while treatment group averaged
11.34 + 1.28 minutes (pretest) and 11.06 + 1.16 minutes.(post test). Heart rate in control group was
164.00 + 15.13 beats/minute and treatment group was 155.36 + 19.72 beats/minute. Average energy
efficiency in the control group was 65.76 + 16.85% and treatment group was 51.66 + 10.93%. The
energy efficiency in treatment group 51.66 + 10.93% vs 65.76 + 16.85 % showed significant difference
(p<0.05). It is concluded that Pismatom juice administration increased energy eficiency in middledistance running athletes


